Die Rockmusik und das Okkulte, welch ein weitläufiges Thema. Vollgespickt mit Geheimnissen, Verschleierungen und Missinterpretationen. Eine der lustigsten Fehldeutungen entstammt wohl dem infokriegerischen Weltbild, das wollüstig jeden noch so kleinen Hinweis in ein Bild satanischer Seelenverführung und neuer luziferischer Weltordnung presst. Wenn Alex Jones zur Deutung pop- und gegenkultureller Auseinandersetzung mit Crowley & Co. ansetzt, darf getrost gelacht werden. So wie bei vorliegendem Werbeclip für das neue Album von Ben Chasnys wunderbarem Projekt Six Organs of Admittance, einer treffsicheren Parodie dieser windschiefen Interpretations- und Verknüpfungswut.
Blow it out Yr Astral Plane: Six Organs of Admittance
Die Suche nach verborgenen Symbolen am US-Dollarschein und die Vermutung, hinter ausbeuterischer, imperialer Politik stünde eine freimaurerisch organisierte Verschwörung; aus einer Zeit in der Alex Jones wohl noch in die Windeln schiss, von einer Band, die alles andere als weiß und rechts-katholisch NWO-paranoid war (dass gewisse antisemitische Tendenzen Schwarz und Weiß damals wie heute dann doch wieder zusammenbringen, lassen wir mal außen vor).
The Last Poets - E Pluribus Unum
Selfish desires are burning like fires
among those who hoard the gold
As the continue to keep the people asleep
and the truth from being told
Racism and greed keep the people in need
from getting what's rightfully theirs Cheating, stealin and double dealing as they exploit the peoples fears
Now, Dow Jones owns the people's homes and all the surrounding land Buying and selling their humble dwelling in the name of the Master Plan
Cos paper money is like a bee without honey
with no stinger to back him up
and those who stole the people's gold
are definitely corrupt
Credit cards, master charge, legacies of wills
real-estate, stocks and bonds on coupon paper bills
Now the US mints on paper prings, millions every day
and use the eagle as their symbol cos it's a bird of prey
The laurels of peace and the arrows of wars
are clutched very tightly in the eagles claws
filled with greed and lust,
and on the back of the dollar bill,
is the words IN GOD WE TRUST
But the dollar bill is their only God
and they don't even trust each other
for a few dollars more they'd start a war
to exploit some brother's mother Then there's the pyramid, that stands by itself
created by Black people's knowledge and wealth and over the pyramid hangs the devil's eye that stole from the truth and created the lie
Now ANNUIT means an endless amount stolen over the years
and COEPTIS means a new empire of vampire millionaires
And NOVUS is a Latin word meaning something new
an ORDO means a way of life chosen by a few SECLORUM is a word that means to take from another
knowledge, wisdom and understanding stolen from the brother
Roman numerals on the base of the pyramid's face
tell the date they began to exist
when they established this branch of hell
in seventeen-seventy-six
Now there are thirteen layers of stone of the pyramid alone an unfinished work of art for thirty-three and a third is as high as a mason can go without falling apart
Thirteen stars in the original flag!
Thirteen demons from the Devil's bag!
Thirteen berries and thirteen leaves!
Thirteen colonies of land-grabbing thieves!
Thirteen arrows in the eagle's claws! Sixty-seven corporations wage the Devil's wars! Thirteen stripes on the eagle's shield! And these are the symbols on the US seal!
Now on the front of the dollar bill
to the right of Washington's head
is a small seal in the shape of a wheel
with the secret that's been left unsaid
The symbols in the middle represent the riddle
of the scales, the ruler and the key;
the square rule is a symbol
from the craft of masonry
The scales represent Libra
the balance of the seventh sign
They also represent the Just-Us
which you and I know is blind The key unlocks the mysteries of the secrets of the seal So that only the Govern-u-men would know what they reveal
The four words apart form the last parts of
the secrets of the seal
and tells how they fooled the people
into thinking paper money was real!
Now, THESAUR means the treasury
where they store the gold they stole
and AMER means to punish
like the slaves they bought and sold
Then SEPTENT means seven
like seventeen-seventy-six
when the thirteen devils gathered
to unleash their bag of tricks The SIGEL means the images they've created to fool the world
like the colors on Old Glory
the flag that they unfurled
Now the red was the color of the Indian man White was the devil's who stole the land Blue was the eyes that hypnotised with the tricks and traps they sprung and even to this very same day they all speak with forked tongue! And so the power is in the hand of the ruling classes playing god with the fate of all the masses so the people don't get any in the land of the plenty because E PLURIBUS UNUM means One Out Of Many